Friday, August 18, 2017


Do Not Trust In Your Own Repentance For Salvation

To trust in one's repentance for salvation is but trusting in oneself to be saved. It is looking inward instead of looking Christward. To be sure, repentance has an essential place in the equation of salvation, but it is certainly not saving faith's object.

Repent, yes, absolutely, but trust in your own repentance? No!

For one, none of us has ever repented as we should. We can only repent imperfectly. Moreover, our repentance could never atone for our sins. And our sins must be atoned in order for us to be saved.
To trust in something that fluctuates, to trust in something that never promises an atonement for our sins would only result in uncertainty.

Yes, repent, repent deeply, but look away yonder to Calvary where the Savior has provided a perfect, complete and permanent once-for-all atonement for all your sins. Place your faith, your trust and your confidence where it should --- in the Savior and His work on the cross.