Monday, May 29, 2017


“Joining the jihad is our way of taking a shortcut to heaven.”

These are the words of Islamic jihadists. Islam teaches that in order to secure heaven and be joined with the Houris or the beautiful women of Paradise, one must be a martyr for Allah. That is, one must be involved in a holy war or jihad and die in it. In the Hadith of Muslims, one of their sacred books, it says that that a martyr's privileges are guaranteed by Allah; forgiveness of their sins with the first gush of their blood.

In other words, you are saved by sacrificing and giving your life to God, shedding your blood for Him. Salvation is not free. It must be earned at the cost of your life-blood.

How different it is with the way of Christ! He Himself sacrificed His life to God for us. He gave Himself to make salvation free for us all. Salvation for free at the cost of His life-blood.

Come to Christ for salvation so free. Come to Christ---God's only cut to heaven.