Sunday, November 27, 2016


Lu 2:30 eyes have seen Your salvation

These are the words of Simeon when he saw and carried the baby Jesus in his arms. His words give us insight into the nature of salvation.

You see, the source of salvation is something that is external to us. You can't find it in you; it's found and accomplished by someone else, not you, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to look away from self to Him to find it.

When Simeon uttered these words, he was not looking at a mirror. No, he was looking straight into the face of Him who will die for his sins and rise from the dead sometime in the future. He looked in the right direction. In verse 25, Simeon is described as a "just and devout man" and yet, when it comes to the salvation of his soul, he did not look at who he was; he did not look selfward. 

My friend, in order to find salvation, don't look inward. Rather, look outward onto Him, through faith in Him, who died for you at Calvary. There, see for yourself, the salvation of the Lord.