Monday, July 11, 2016


Chinese Character For Righteousness

Let me share with you what I learned from Hudson Taylor who was probably one of the greatest missionaries to China ever; one of the greatest Christians to ever walk this planet. He said: "If I have 1000 lives I would give it all to the spreading of the Gospel in China."

In his evangelism to the Chinese people he used this wonderful illustration about the Gospel. You see, the Chinese character for righteousness is actually composed of two characters, with one on top of the other. The top character is yang, which means a lamb, while the bottom character is wo, which means self. Together the word "righteousness" in Chinese is formed.

You want to be viewed by God as righteous? Then put yourself under the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus, who takes away the sin of the world. Under the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus, your sins disappear from God's sight, all He sees is the Lord Jesus, the Righteous One. Before He sees you, He sees the Lord Jesus over you.

Come to Him in faith. Take refuge in what He did on the cross. Put your trust in Him for your justification.