Sunday, May 24, 2015


Our Logos Hope Tour Experience And The Gospel

Logos Hope is actually the name of the missionary ship going around the world spreading the Word of God and helping needy people everywhere. Just today, we were privileged to be toured around the vessel by one of its workers. It was a cool experience.

During the tour, we were introduced to a nifty apparatus that purifies dirty water and turn it into a clear and drinkable one. The widget would indeed be very valuable and useful in areas in the world where clean water is a luxury.

All you have to do is pour dirty water into the device, and then, within minutes, clean water would come out from its hose on the other end, all ready for any thirsty soul.

I then thought of the Savior. It's a picture of the Savior and what He can do for any sinner. All of us are murky waters, spiritually speaking. Spiritually, we are rejects, useless and no good. In a word---sinners. But the moment we come to Christ in repentance and faith, trusting in Him and what He did on the cross, He makes us into a new creature, transformed and renewed.

He alone is God's "apparatus," so to speak, who can turn us into something that is acceptable, pure and useful to God.

Come. Come to Christ and entrust yourself to Him now!