Friday, November 28, 2014


Why Do Saved Sinners Have To Confess If All Their Sins Are Already Forgiven By God?

If you are someone who has trusted in Christ alone for salvation, then you must know that the death of Christ took care of the penalty of all your sins, past, present and future.

Since the penalty has been paid, you don't have to pay for it yourself. The Lord Jesus took care of it. Salvation forgiveness has been granted to you at the moment of faith. An eternal relationship between you and God has been established.

However, with unconfessed sin in your life, the fellowship (the fellowship not the relationship) is broken. You are still a child of God, but you don't enjoy having dinner with your Heavenly Dad down in the dining table. You are relegated to your room alone.

The fellowship is only restored if we humble ourselves, go to Dad and confess our sins. When that is done, we can sit down and enjoy a hearty and happy fellowship with Dad and the rest of His family.

Learn to distinguish between salvation forgiveness (Acts 10:43) from parental forgiveness (1 John 1:9). The condition of the former is faith while the condition of the latter is confession. The former is for an unsaved sinner, the latter is for a saved sinner.

If you are still unsaved, you don't confess to be saved. You can confess all you want but if you have not trusted in Christ alone for salvation, you will remain unsaved. Admitting that you are sick is no substitute for taking the medicine.