Friday, September 12, 2014


An Atheistic Detective Who Became A Christian

J. Warner Wallace is a celebrated cold case detective. You can see him featured many times on TV in the US. A cold case detective is one that solves crime cases that turned out cold after months of fruitless investigation by others before him.

J. Warner Wallace is an expert detective who was an atheist. One day, he set out to apply his expertise on the claims of Christ. An expert detective took the challenge to investigate Christianity, particularly the resurrection of Christ.

He bought a Bible for 6 dollars and then began to examine the evidence. He would not spend more than 6 dollars wasting his time. He actually began with a bias against the case!

One thing that leaped out to his notice was the fact that the Gospels is an eyewitness testimony. This caught his interest. He had something to really weigh and assess. In the end, he could not resists the sheer force of the evidence. It was too solid. He trusted Christ as His Savior.

My friend, have you taken the time to examine the evidence for yourself? Have you read the "affidavits" of the eyewitnesses who saw Christ's resurrection?

The truth that Christ died for our sins and resurrected from the dead is rock solid. You can trust in Him and what He did on the cross for your salvation.