Monday, August 11, 2014


The Hole In Our Hearts

I remember a story about a man who went into a doctor's clinic for his severe depression. The doctor told him to go into a certain theater where a very funny clown would perform regularly. The doctor guaranteed him that it would surely help his depression.

The man replied: "Doc, I am the clown."

Nothing in this world satisfies. There's this eternal hole in our hearts that only an eternal God can fill. The things of this world are only mere temporary distractions to make you forget about the hole for awhile. In the end, when you are by yourself, you know that it is still there.

It's like a famished and dehydrated man who dreamed that he was in a banquet house. He stuffed himself full. He drank to his heart's content. He had a good time. Only to wake up to the sad reality that it was all a cruel dream.

As they say: "There is this God-shaped hole in our hearts that only God can fill." Let's be tired and weary already in chasing substitutes. Come to Christ.

He died for our sins and rose again from the dead.