Thursday, June 12, 2014


Salvation Test

The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift that one can possess right now, while one is still alive. Having salvation is conditioned on faith in Christ. "Whoever believes/trusts in Him shall not perish but HAVE eternal life."

The question is: "Are you saved? Do you have eternal life?" Let me help you answer that question by asking you some guide questions.
* Have you seen yourself as a sinner or a spiritual criminal before God? (1 John 3:4)
* Have you realized that there is nothing you can do at all to save yourself? (Isa. 64:6, Titus 3:5)
* Who or what are you relying on for salvation?
* Are you confident that what Christ did on the cross was sufficient for your soul's salvation?
* Is Christ and His work on the cross your only hope of salvation? (Acts 4:12)
* Have you relied on Him and what He did on the cross as the only way to God? (John 14:6)

If you have seen yourself as a sinner before God, if you have realized that there is absolutely nothing you could do to earn salvation, and have therefore trusted and relied and depended on the Savior for salvation,
then you are saved.

Read the words of the contract: "Whoever believes/trusts in Him shall not perish but HAVE eternal life."