Saturday, February 15, 2014


What's It Being A Christian? 

Many people have this common misconception that being a Christian is primarily about adopting certain precepts, principles and practices to live by. That it is about embracing a certain moral code, ethic or behavior as a lifestyle. A sort of moral reformation that one implements on one's own self. 

That's like training a dog to act like a human being in order to be one. That's like tying apples on a mango tree so that it might become an apple tree. That's like equipping a dead person with mechanical devices in order to make it robotically move and act like its alive. That's like a guilty criminal inside a prison cell acting like he's free.

No. No. No.

* The dog must become a new creature (a human being) so that it can truly act like one.
* The mango tree must become a new creation (an apple tree) so that it can truly bear apples.
* The dead man must be given life before it can truly act and move like a living person.
* The guilty criminal must be pardoned in order for it to be truly free.

Being a Christian is being truly born again (John 3:7). It is becoming truly a new creation created anew by God, a transformation (2 Cor. 5:17). It is having a new divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) It is being truly alive from the dead (Eph. 2:5) It is being truly pardoned and forgiven and redeemed and set free (Rom. 8:1, Eph. 1:7) It is a supernatural work that only God can do (Eph. 2:10).

These are spiritual realities that cannot be seen but are nevertheless real in the eyes of God. As real as the material things we see around us.

All these become real to us the moment we repent and trust in Christ alone for salvation. Be a Christian by putting your trust in Christ in order to truly act like a Christian. Do not act like one to be one. That's impersonation.