Friday, September 20, 2013


Our Own "Pork Barrel Scam"

Ro 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

The pork barrel scam controversy is sizzling hot nowadays in the news. It has become staple news already since it came out many weeks ago. People are talking about it.

Many are angered by it, others are dismayed, some are reeling in shock, while a few could care less. What we need to know, however, is that we are all "scammers." Yes, we all have our own "pork barrel scam."

How many times have we "robbed God", so to speak, of the glory that was due Him?
How many times have we selfishly chosen sin instead of aiming for God's glory in our lives?
How many times, in our lives, have we conspired with self, sin and Satan and "plundered God", so to speak, of the glory that rightfully belonged to Him?

If we are honest with ourselves, many a time, we have chosen to act like pigs or shall I say porks, instead of behaving like humans originally made in the image of God.

My friend, we are all "scammers"; we are all sinners.  We can choose to run away, we can choose to deny it or we can, by God's grace, choose to accept the pardon that God is offering to us right now in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anyone who repents and trusts in what He did on the cross will be pardoned and forgiven. He died for all our "scams."