Thursday, June 6, 2013


The Worst Kind Of Death

Many people say "Strangulation! To die from strangulation is a terrible way to die. Can you imagine dying by being choked?" 

Others say "Decapitation! To have your head chopped off from you is the worst of all deaths." 

Still others say "Incineration! To be burned alive is the worst of all deaths." 

Some say "Deterioration! To have your body eaten up bit by bit by a disease is a very painful death." 

But none of these can qualify as the worst kind of death. In the Bible, the worst kind of death is to die without a Savior. Imagine facing God with all your sins and spending eternity away from Him in hell forever and ever?!!? That would be like strangulation, decapitation, incineration, deterioration and more all in one! That's the worst kind of death!

My friend, you can avoid dying the worst kind of death by having the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Trust in Him alone for salvation!