Saturday, February 2, 2013


Mt 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

We have here a) The Invitation b) The Inviter c) The Invited and c) The Invite

* The Invitation: "Come.."
* The Inviter: " Me".. 

* The Invited: "...all you who labor and are heavy laden..." 
* The Invite: "...and I will give you rest." 

Are you one who labors for the salvation of your soul? You strive and work so hard to obey God's law but you find yourself failing over and over again in the attempt. As a result, you are burdened with guilt and shame. 

Come to the Savior. The salvation you are laboring for is offered free by Him. The thing you could not do, He did. He completed the work of salvation. "It is finished!" He guaranteed.

All you have to do is come. Come to Him in faith, trusting in His finished work on the cross for your salvation. And as you come, you will find rest. Rest in the realization that the work of salvation was done and accepted to the satisfaction of God 2000 years ago. 

Rest from the burden of guilt because He has completely paid the penalty of all of your sins.

Come! Come to Him!