Thursday, March 8, 2012


Are You A Genuine Christian?

To help you answer the question, here are some searching and pointed questions:

 1. Have you changed your attitude towards God that you now take Him seriously? You took Him lightly before but now your heart's attitude is different. You now take Him seriously. You are now God-conscious all the time. And everything is now referenced to Him.

 2. Have you changed your attitude about sin? That is, from loving and and finding pleasure in sin, do you now hate and despise it? It is no real and genuine repentance if you just changed your behavior. God wants the heart first, because He knows if He gets the heart, He gets the whole man, the behavior follows.

 3. Have you seen yourself a sinner--hopeless and helpless in yourself to save yourself? It is one thing to intellectually know sin, it is another to experientially know who you are in the eyes of God as a sinner.

4. Have you placed your trust in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross of Calvary alone for salvation? Have you now seen and realized the preciousness of His death on the cross? Do you find Him now as your only hope of salvation?

 If you can answer "Yes" to these questions then, blessed be God, you are the real one!