Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Wrong Views About Self Will Result In Wrong Views About Salvation

One of the major reasons why we have an erroneous view of salvation is because we have an erroneous view of man as a sinner.

Somehow, we think that when man fell into sin, he fell over the cliff but was able to hold on to a rope. Yes, he may have been buried in a swamp of mud, vomit and human waste, but he is buried only waist-deep, not totally. If he wants to, he can pull himself again using his own strength back to the top. 

However, the Bible portrays a totally different picture of man as a sinner. The Bible says that when man fell into sin, he fell all the way down breaking every single bone in his body, tearing every muscle apart, sinking himself totally from head to foot in a sea of mud, human waste and vomit. Worse, he loves to be in that condition and worst of all he is not even aware of it.

The former makes one think that salvation is by faith plus what we can do and contribute. 

The latter makes one realize that salvation is by faith alone in the Savior, that it is by relying, depending and entrusting oneself to the Savior and what He can do for us.