Monday, October 5, 2020


Ditching the DIY Salvation: Trusting in Christ Alone
It is through experiencing the futility of attempting to save oneself by leading a perfect life that one can truly understand the importance of having faith in Christ as the only way to attain salvation. One may strive for sinless perfection, but will inevitably realize their helplessness and powerlessness in achieving it. It is not through arguments or statements that one learns this truth, but through personal experience.
This is similar to how God gave Israel the law first, to make them aware through painful experiences that they were unable to follow it perfectly. It shattered their self-confidence and made them realize their need for a savior.
Once one recognizes their inability to save themselves, they can turn to the Bible and immerse themselves in its teachings about the sufficiency of Christ's work on the cross for their salvation. Through this, they can come to trust in Him alone for eternal life.
Those who truly desire salvation and understand their inability to achieve it on their own will find solace in Christ's work on the cross. By God's grace, they will place their trust in Him and be saved.