Sunday, July 26, 2015


The Necessity Of A Sacrifice
Our acceptability before God does not depend on who we are and what we do. Rather, our salvation and acceptability before God depends entirely on the acceptability of our sacrifice.
It's all about the atonement, the atonement, the atonement. It's all about the sacrifice, the sacrifice, the sacrifice. We either make it or break it at this one great crucial issue. This is the pivotal point---the deciding factor.
God demands a sinless sacrifice. The problem is we can't provide one. But God, in His great love, sent the Lord Jesus Christ to be the sacrifice for our sins.
And the only sacrifice for sinners that God can accept is the sacrifice that He Himself provided.
Now, there you have it. Here you are a sinner before a holy God. In yourself, you will be doomed forever. But there's the great sacrifice that God Himself provided for you.
What are you going to do with it? It's your only chance. It's your only hope of being actually accepted by God. Will you stand behind it, rely on it entirely, for your actual acceptance with God?
Will you trust in Jesus and what He did on the cross for your salvation?