Sunday, July 19, 2015


The Holiness of God, The Sinfulness of Man and The Need For A Sacrifice
God’s holiness is not only like a wall around Him that repulses sin and sets Him apart from it, His holiness is also like a fire and a lion that burns and goes against sin.
No sinner can survive in the direct presence of a holy God---His holiness will break out against him. God's holiness is a big problem for sinful humanity. His holiness makes Him unapproachable to sinful man.
God, in His holiness, demands that He must be approached through a sacrifice. And not just any other sacrifice but a sinless sacrifice.
Some people ask: "Why is it that God does not come out in the open in His fully glory for all the world to see?" That would be catastrophe for sinful humanity. We will all die. No sinner can be in the direct presence of a holy God and see Him in His full glory and survive.
He did come 2000 years ago. He clothed and covered Himself with humanity so that sinners can make direct contact with Him and not die.
And then, He went to the cross, offered Himself as a sinless sacrifice, He satisfied the demands of God's justice, holiness and wrath, and now sinful man can now approach God through Him (Jesus Christ).
It is only through the Lord Jesus and what He did on the cross that God can be approached and for sinners to be with Him forever and ever.
Have you trusted Him and what He did on the cross for you?