Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Wise Men

Mt 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,

2 saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him."

The wise men are representative of people who seek the Savior with all their hearts. Many Bible scholars say that they came from Babylon---that would take about 300 miles to travel! 

Can you imagine the sore hardships they went through in traveling those seemingly interminable miles? I mean, even traveling a 100-mile journey in a comfortable air-conditioned car is unnerving enough. 

Can you imagine the risk they placed themselves? Traveling in those times was dangerous. You could get easily waylaid and ambushed and robbed on the way. 

But in spite of the forbidding distance they had to travel, the distressing discomfort they would have to endure and the life-threatening danger that lay ahead of them, they still sought the Savior.

(Compare them to many people today who render themselves unable to attend Bible studies because of rain or because of a severe HAIRache or because it would take 2 rides to reach etc.) 

The wise men were faithful to the small light that they had. There was this small supernatural star pointing them to the Savior. They were faithful to the light they had, and they were led to the Savior---the true Light of the world. 

This answers the question: “What about people who live in faraway lands who have no Bibles? How can they be saved?”

If they are faithful to the light that God has given them (since God has given each and every single person light like Creation in front of them and conscience within them), if they are truly seeking God, God will guide them to the Savior.