Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Joh 1:14 And the Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us...

In about a few days, many people will celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. And the reason for the season is about the Incarnation. It's about God the Son's coming into the world and taking humanity into Himself.

Man needs to be saved. And the only way for him to be saved is through a Substitute. Without a Substitute, man, as a guilty sinner, will have to suffer and pay for his sins.

The only qualified substitute for man is a Man Himself. And so He came and became a human being without ceasing to be God. Think about it! God and Man in one indivisible person!

As such, He can reconcile sinful Man back to God in Himself for those who will put their trust in Him. He Himself in His blessed person has become the Way back to God. He Himself is the access to God.

No sinner will ever reach God through any other way. It's not in religion, it's in a person who is God and Man at the same time.