Wednesday, August 15, 2012


De 30:19 "...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life..." 

After God presented to Israel the blessings that would come with obedience (see Deut. 28:1-14) and the curses that would come with disobedience (see Deut. 28:15-68), He now sums it up with these words here in our verse.

"Life" here means a long life filled with God's blessings upon them in the Promise land, while "death" here means a life filled with God's judgments and curses ultimately resulting in death.

Though these words apply to Israel referring to their earthly blessings and curses, the principle contained in these words can be applied to spiritual salvation. We will all have to make a choice: 

a) Either we accept God's judgment of our sins in Christ when He died on the cross by faith or face the judgment ourselves. 
b) Either we face God in Christ as our substitute and representative in all His acceptability or face God ourselves with all our sins and imperfections. 
c) Either we trust in Christ and what He did on the cross or trust in ourselves and what we do to be saved. 
d) Either salvation by the Savior or salvation by self.
e) Either salvation by trusting or salvation by trying. 
f) Either life or death. 

Choose Christ!