Sunday, August 12, 2012


Zec 3:2 "...Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?"

Like a helpless burning stick (brand) plucked out from the fire so is a saved sinner delivered from God's judgment and condemnation. 

The burning stick (the brand) did not jump out, no, it was "plucked" out. No sinner can remove himself away from God's judgment. If ever he should be saved, God must do the saving. God Himself must pluck him out of it.

And it is all of grace (God's undeserved favor). Notice: ""...Is this not a BRAND plucked from the fire?"A brand is a burning piece of wood. It is worthless. You can't make anything significantly useful from it. What's the use of risking yourself by plucking out a burning piece of wood from the fire when you could get them fresh from trees all around?

God had no obligation to save a sinner like me. He could have justly swept me out to hell. But He did not do that. In grace, He sent His Son, who did not mind risking His life for me by dying on the cross. And by His grace, I was enabled to trust in Christ and I got saved.

Are you a brand plucked out from the fire by faith in Christ?