An Infinite Payment For An Infinite Debt
Imagine being in debt to a tune of 1 trillion dollars. When do you think you would be able to pay it back? Or would you ever be able to repay it? Let’s say you were given a lifetime to labor and work to earn that amount—do you think you could make it?
Let me break this down to you in a detailed manner so that you will see how gargantuan and staggering this is:
- 1 trillion dollars is 1,000 billion dollars.
- Even if you earned 1 million dollars every single day, it would take you 1 million days—or over 2,739 years—to pay it off.
Applying this to our spiritual debt, we are heavily in debt far more than this. All the money in the world could not discharge it. Our debt is infinite.
This is how helpless we are spiritually speaking. Every sinner stands spiritually bankrupt before God, unable to pay the infinite debt of sin. No amount of effort or good works can ever clear this debt and be saved—it is beyond human capability.
The only way for this debt to be paid is for Someone to come and redeem us. Someone who is Himself infinite, capable of making an infinite sacrifice of infinite value. That Someone is the Lord Jesus Christ. He made a provisional payment for all our sins. Ours is to avail of it through faith in Him.