Tuesday, September 17, 2024


The "Try Christ" Delusion 

There are people who egg others to "Try Christ." One time I personally heard an evangelist encouraged others to "Try Christ" for their salvation. I wanted to shout "No! That's wrong!"

The Bible nowhere enjoins us to "try Christ" like no one, in his right mind, would tell us to try a parachute. A wag once said: "If at first you don't succeed then skydiving is definitely is not for you."

Our eternal destiny is an infinitely higher jump than any skydiving there is, with eternal consequences. You can't come back to earth, live again, and make another jump into eternity trying another option until you find what works.

When God saves a sinner, He convicts him of his sin; He would make him realize that he is helpless and powerless to save himself. Then He would illumine him about the sufficiency of what Christ did on the cross for his salvation. He has to convince us first about our helplessness and Christ's adequacy.  

A man jumps out of a plane not to "try" his parachute, but because he is certain of two things:

First, he knows he cannot fly or levitate on his own.
Second, he is convinced that his parachute will support him and land him safely.

He is not trying his parachute. No, he is trusting in it. We don't try Christ. We don't experiment with Him. No, we trust Him. 

P.S. "Trying Christ" is the language of those who have not realized their own helplessness in saving themselves and a lack of understanding of the sufficiency of Christ's work on the cross.