Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Gospel According To The Silkworm 

It's from a silkworm that we get silk. Silk is a luxurious, natural fiber known for its smooth texture, tensile strength and shimmering, light-reflecting appearance. 

Silkworms would spin a cocoon of silk around themselves. To extract the silk fibers, the cocoons are boiled. The boiling process separates the silkworm from the silk fibers. However, in the process, the silkworm is killed. The silkworm must be sacrificed in order for us to have silk.

The Bible says that man's righteous deeds are like filthy rags. In Isaiah 61 verse 10, we read of "the garments of salvation" and "the robe of righteousness" that God provides to cover a sinner. 

In order for this to be possible, the Lord Jesus had to come and suffer on the cross. In Psalm 22 verse 6, we read the pre-incarnate Christ describing Himself like this: "...I am a worm, and no man..." Worms are creatures which men trample down. Psalm 22 is a Messianic psalm that depicts the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as the silkworm gives its life, the Lord Jesus gave His life so that we might be clothed in righteousness and glory.

The garments of salvation and the robe of righteousness are ready for you to wear. Will you put them on by faith in Christ? 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


The "Try Christ" Delusion 

There are people who egg others to "Try Christ." One time I personally heard an evangelist encouraged others to "Try Christ" for their salvation. I wanted to shout "No! That's wrong!"

The Bible nowhere enjoins us to "try Christ" like no one, in his right mind, would tell us to try a parachute. A wag once said: "If at first you don't succeed then skydiving is definitely is not for you."

Our eternal destiny is an infinitely higher jump than any skydiving there is, with eternal consequences. You can't come back to earth, live again, and make another jump into eternity trying another option until you find what works.

When God saves a sinner, He convicts him of his sin; He would make him realize that he is helpless and powerless to save himself. Then He would illumine him about the sufficiency of what Christ did on the cross for his salvation. He has to convince us first about our helplessness and Christ's adequacy.  

A man jumps out of a plane not to "try" his parachute, but because he is certain of two things:

First, he knows he cannot fly or levitate on his own.
Second, he is convinced that his parachute will support him and land him safely.

He is not trying his parachute. No, he is trusting in it. We don't try Christ. We don't experiment with Him. No, we trust Him. 

P.S. "Trying Christ" is the language of those who have not realized their own helplessness in saving themselves and a lack of understanding of the sufficiency of Christ's work on the cross.

Monday, September 9, 2024



The Forbidden Tree Vs The Foreordained Tree 

Just as the fall came by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree so salvation comes by eating the fruit of the foreordained tree.

The Lord Jesus was foreordained by God to die on the cross of Calvary for our sins. He Himself prepared and accomplished 100% salvation for us all. Salvation is simply the fruit of what He did on the cross. 
Now, our part is to simply receive and enjoy its blessings by faith in what He did.

God's curse on those who ate of the forbidden tree was this "...
in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." God’s blessing with regard to the foreordained tree is this “in the day that you eat from it you will surely live and be saved.”