Friday, June 30, 2023


The Bible's Scandalous Message Of Salvation 

One of the reasons why people don't read the Bible is because they think that they know what's written in the Bible already.

They think that the Bible teaches a be-good-and-do-good-to-be-saved method of salvation. "Why bother to read and study it seriously? The point is simple --- just be good and do good and you'll go to heaven!" so they think and say.

Do a survey. Ask around. Almost to a man, people will say that in order to be saved one has to be good and do good.

Ask a young kid, who has never been exposed to the teachings of the Bible, and he'll answer "Do good in order to go to heaven."

Examine all the religions in the world. In fact, almost all of them, except one, teach that salvation is by good works. If all the people in the world today were given 1 million years to figure out how a sinner is saved, they would all come up with a variation of the salvation-by-being-good method, at the end of it.

Why? That's naturally what comes into a man's mind.

The Bible turns heads with its teaching that salvation is not by works but through faith alone in the work of the Savior. It iconoclastically breaks the mold. It controversially presents a paradigm shift. It turns their belief system upside down. It offers a road that's less traveled. It defies the conventional. It shockingly goes against the grain. Scandalous! Bizarre! A sucker punch! Nobody saw it coming! Totally out of this world!

It is something that is completely unlike any other belief system in the world. It could not be the result of man's devices, because it is something that is totally different from anything that humans could create.

My friend, I invite you to unlock the secrets of salvation. Dive into the Bible's pages and discover for yourself the life-transforming truth it contains, finding salvation by faith alone in the work of Christ on the cross.