The Doctor's Mother Won't Do
Jane was a Marian devotee. She believed that whatever the Lord Jesus could do, Mary could also do it just as effectively, being the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her friend who read the Bible insisted "No! It's only the Lord Jesus Christ! He alone is the Savior!" But nothing could persuade Jane.
One day Jane became ill. She called up her friend who worked as the doctor's secretary to arrange an appointment for her. But the doctor was out for several weeks.
Her friend, snatching the opportunity said: "The doctor is not in but we can call her mother."
"Is she a doctor?" Jane asked.
"Nope, but she's his mother. The doctor's mother will do. She is highly respectable and honorable" her friend replied.
"No! No matter how highly respectable and honorable she is if she's not a doctor..."Jane exclaimed but then paused...And then she got it.
My friend, you see, it has to be Doctor Jesus. Put your faith in Him and what He did on the cross and be made well.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Tracing The Way To Heaven
The way to heaven began in heaven. From heaven, it made a
mark down, down, down toward earth. On Earth, it made a narrow gate to Calvary. At Calvary, it constructed
a station at the cross and posted a huge signpost for all to see. Then it
created a "tunnel" in the grave. On the third day, it went
out in a groundbreaking fashion. Then from that point on, the way began to be
steep, ascending higher and higher back to heaven. That’s the way to heaven.
Just be sure to be at the station called the Cross of Calvary. Tickets are
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Lu 15:20 "And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
The father here is a picture of God's eagerness to save sinners who turn to Him in repentance. In their culture, it was unusual and undignified for an elder, especially a father, to run. Elders were typically respected figures who maintained a composed and dignified demeanor. By running openly, he risked his reputation.
That's how propitious and favorable God is toward sinners! In front of the watching angels, God, as it were, ran the distance from heaven to earth, willingly risked His reputation on the cross, becoming a spectacle of shame in the eyes of the watching world.
You don't have to beg Him to be in the "mood" to save you. He is already in the "mood." All you have to do now is to run to Him by faith in Christ for salvation.
Friday, November 24, 2023
"Go To Heaven!"
Lots of people have heard enough of being told to "Go to hell!" Whenever someone commits something bad, they are swiftly written off to hell. In this unloving world, we are in, the harsh condemnation "Go to hell!" is readily pronounced.
However, God's viewpoint is markedly different. Currently, God is passionately calling out to us, crying out aloud "Go to heaven! Be saved!" Yes, there will come a time when God will say "Go to hell!" But, right now, this is the time when God is saying "Go to heaven!" to all of us. Yes, it's about time for you to hear "Go to heaven!" You sinner you! You've done so many horrible things! Go to heaven! Be saved! Repent and trust in what the Lord Jesus Christ did for you. He died for all your sins and was raised again from the dead.
Friday, November 10, 2023
"I Challenge You To Speak The First Word Against The Lord Jesus Christ"
Two travelers on a train were involved in a conversation of a religious nature. One was a skeptic who was very outspoken against Christianity. He cited many things that kept him a skeptic all this time. He detailed all the hypocrisy, evil manipulations, greed, and divisions that mark Christendom. He particularly pointed out the corruption of its various leaders.
In front of them was a Christian silently listening to it all and bowed his head in shame and bearing the deserved reproach. He knew that many of the things that were spoken were true.
Just then, he was addressed by one of the travelers to join in with them in the discussion. The Christian said: "I noticed that you are a man of good judgment. You read people very, very well. I am a Christian myself and I offer no defense for all the things you leveled against us. But there is one thing that I would like to challenge you on. I Challenge You To Speak The First Word Against The Lord Jesus Christ."
The skeptic was surprised and said: "Well, no! I could not find fault with Him. He was perfect."
"Exactly!" the Christian replied. "That's the reason why my heart was attracted to Him. The more I look at Him, the more I discover how poor, guilty, and sinful man I am. All the evils which those who profess to follow Him have done cannot turn me away from Him. My salvation depends on what the Lord Jesus has done and not on what His professed followers are doing."
My friend, the Lord Jesus Christ has many imperfect Christians, but, Christians have a perfect Christ. You can be a skeptic against many who profess to be Christians but you can't be a skeptic against their Christ.
You can be disappointed with Christians but you can never be disappointed with Christ, especially when it comes to the salvation of your soul. Trust in Him and what He did on the cross and find salvation in Him.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
A Hindu told a missionary: "I am sure that if lead a good life, do what is right, and give up my bad habits, God will receive me into heaven."
The missionary then pointed to a babool tree. A young babool tree is a captivating sight. The tree is known for its striking thorny features. "Suppose you break off from its branches a hundred or more of the nasty thorns, will the tree cease to be a babool tree?" asked the missionary.
"Certainly not!" the Hindu replied
The missionary then explained: "Even if you stop many of your evil ways and habits, you would still remain the same like the babool tree. You must have an entirely new nature, you must be born again, you must be a new man, in order to please God. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can give you a new heart if you trust in Him alone for salvation."
Monday, October 16, 2023
Why are we at war?
Yes, why are we at war? We have wars without because we have wars within. We don't have peace without because we don't have peace within. We don't have peace within because we don't have peace with God. There is a disturbance in the relationship between God and man. Man is out of joint with God. Sinful man is at war with God.
My friend, lay down your arms. Repent. Be reconciled to God, and have peace with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Don't Be Saved By The Saved --- Be Saved By The Savior
Ac 2:47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. NKJV
Take note of the last half of the verse --- "the Lord added to the church daily those who are being saved."
Many were being saved during this time. Daily, one case after another, saved sinners were added to the church. You see, the church is the company of the saved.
There are some people who believe that salvation is in the church, of the church, and through the church. Nope. The church is not the way to salvation. Rather, salvation results in being joined to the church in the eyes of God.
Again, the church is the company of the saved. My friend, don't be saved by the saved. Be saved by the Savior! Trust in the Savior who died for your sins and rose again from the dead.
Monday, October 9, 2023
Salvation By Works Requires Being Better Than The Apostles
Ac 15:10 "Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
The speaker here is the apostle Peter. He stood up at a conference of Christians along with the other apostles. There were some who did not see clearly the condition of salvation. In verse 5 we read:
"But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses." (Acts 15:5) It was in this conference that the matter was cleared up and settled.
Now, when Peter says here in verse 10 "neither our fathers nor we were able to bear" he was referring to the Law of Moses. The pronoun "we" here includes the apostles. Peter said that none of them ever kept the Ten Commandments as they should. They all failed at some point in keeping it.
The Ten Commandments is a works-based system. So, if you want to be saved by works, you will have to be better than the apostles! If you think you are better than them then go for it! But, if not, then the only way is what Peter recommended in verses 7 to 9 which says:
Acts 15:7 "Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. 8 "So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, 9 "and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
It's by the principle of faith that sinners are blessed.
My friend, you and I are no better than the apostles. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross and you will be saved.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
The Idolatry of Salvation By Works
Isa 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD, and besides Me there is no savior.
There is no other God. In order to emphasize this, God had to say: "I, even I, am the LORD."
As such, He alone is the Savior. Here, God holds Himself up as the only object of faith.
We ought to look for salvation only in God. Sadly, many are trusting in their good works for salvation. They have made it their savior, when, the Lord, yes, even the Lord, alone is the savior. Trusting one's good works for salvation is elevating one's good works to the Lord's level. It is the same as trusting in an idol for salvation. It's idolatry.
Worse, it's holding ourselves up as God!
My friend, honor God. Acknowledge and recognize Him as Lord and Savior, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Mercy and Grace In Time of Need
HEB 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Let's zero in on the expression here "mercy and...grace to help in time of need." Let's apply this to salvation:
As sinners who badly need salvation, we are always in a time of need...moment by moment. Sadly, not many realize their need. Not many realize the beggarly and miserable condition they are in.
However, if you are reading this and have realized your needy condition, my friend, there is mercy and grace for you. Where? There at the cross of Calvary. In a very real sense, the cross of Calvary is the Lord's "throne of grace" and His "mercy seat."
All you have to do is to draw near with confidence and faith in it for your salvation.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
The Christian Triad Of Faith, Hope, and Love
If we are to summarize Christianity in three words, it would be faith, hope, and love.
Let's apply this to salvation. As sinners, if we pause for a while and take stock of our lives right at this very moment, we are in danger. In danger of past sin, present selfishness, and prospective separation or death.
The answer to the past danger of sin is faith, that is, faith in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins.
The answer to the prospective danger of separation or death is the hope of the glorious resurrection which the Lord Jesus Christ made available by rising from the dead.
The answer to the present danger of selfishness is the love that being united to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ makes possible.
It all begins with faith. Once you put your faith in Christ and have your sins graciously hurled to oblivion, you will have a glorious hope for the future and a godly heart for your fellows.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Salvation By Works Requires Some Literal Flying To Accomplish
The ascension of the Lord Jesus to heaven is not a convenient, cop-out explanation as to why the Lord Jesus is not here on earth if He resurrected.
One of the reasons for His ascension is this --- Just as the priests in the Old Testament went inside the Tabernacle or the Temple to the Most Holy Place to present the sacrifice for sin so the Lord Jesus had to go to God's presence in heaven to present Himself there as the satisfaction for man's sin. It's the offender who must go to the offended and make amends. The Lord Jesus as the sinner's representative had to go to God. The sacrifice at the cross was the first phase. The ascension and presentation of Himself to God in heaven is the completion phase of the work He started here on earth.
If you want to be saved by your own efforts, you must realize that after your endeavors here on earth, there remains the impossibly daunting task of ascending to heaven and presenting what you did to God.
If you can't ascend to God then forget it! Why not take the simplest and only way available? Why not simply place your trust in Christ who died on the cross and then ascended to heaven?
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Through Jesus Christ
The expression "through Jesus Christ" appears again and again in the New Testament. God's blessings flow down from Him to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. He channels them all through Him.
In pardoning a sinner, many think that it is simply a matter of God directly exercising clemency to a sinner. They go to God and see no need for the Lord Jesus Christ. They can do without Him. They feel that they can just ask for forgiveness from God and that's it. They go away feeling confident that their forgiveness has been secured...just like that.
Salvation without Jesus, forgiveness without Jesus, divine mercy without Jesus are wicked lies brewed in the cauldron of Satan. Satan wants sinners to bypass the cross of Christ in Calvary.
No. No. No. Open your eyes. God's blessings have always been through Jesus Christ. God's spiritual blessings are the fruits of the tree of Calvary. You can't have them without the tree. You can't have them without the Lord Jesus Christ.
Put your trust in what the Lord Jesus Christ did for you at Calvary Cross. Find salvation, forgiveness of sins and pardon for all your sins through Him.
Monday, September 18, 2023
The Saving Merit Is In The Cross-Work Of Christ
Apart from the grace of God, our righteous works are filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6). Apart from His grace, our good works are not good works to God. Apart from His grace, no one has ever done what is good (Romans 3:12). Apart from the grace of God, all our religious achievements and credentials are rubbish (Philippians 3:4-8). All these are shaky foundations to base one's salvation on.
In the salvation of a sinner, the saving merit is in the cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has all the sufficient worthwhile and good qualities to save a sinner.
Grab hold of the saving merits available for you in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for sinners like you and me. Make good use of it by putting your faith in it. Let His merit be your merit. Trust in His merit, not your own.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
You Are Never Busy Enough To Die And Face Eternity
A lot of people are consumed by busyness. Preoccupied with so many things. Always a hectic schedule. They are engrossed with this and engrossed with that. Too engaged in attaining their goal. Too consumed in making money. Too wrapped up building that dream house. Too immersed in pursuing that car. Too absorbed in the meticulous preparations for retirement.
In all these things, they forget that they are never busy enough to die...and then face eternity.
My friend, don't be too busy living for today that you forget to prepare for a tomorrow that never ends.
Slow down. Make time for things that matter forever. Don't be so taken up with other things that they drown out the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Realize that you are a sinner in desperate need of salvation, and come to Christ, the Savior, who was never busy enough to die for all your sins so that you can face eternity.
Monday, September 4, 2023
Jesus --- Your Short Cut To Salvation
John 6:18 The sea began to be stirred up because a strong wind was blowing.
John 6:19 Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened.
John 6:21 So they were willing to receive Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.
This is a miracle done by the Lord Jesus that is less known. The wind was strong. The rowing was a struggle. They saw the Savior. They received Him into the boat. Suddenly, instantly, immediately, in the twinkling of an eye, they did not have to row any farther, they got to their destination.
Let's apply this to salvation:
Many people today, in the troublesome sea of life, are rowing very, very hard to save themselves. They have rowed far enough "about three or four miles in," tired, weary and all, and still they are where they are. Salvation by works and self-effort is a long, never-ending, and interminable voyage. It takes an impossible "long time" to achieve perfection.
If only they would be willing to receive the Lord Jesus, through faith in His already finished work on the cross, right there and then, they would have been delivered and saved immediately and miraculously.
So, how about you? Are you willing to take the only way to be saved? Are you willing to receive Jesus into your "boat?" Are you willing to take the Savior's miraculous shortcut?
Friday, August 18, 2023
"That's the Man Who Died For My Sins"
True Story
There was this boy who was mentally handicapped with a speech impediment. He could only speak two words at a time. There was this Christian who worked with handicapped children, who took notice of the boy.
He noticed that the boy, where ever he went, kept carrying with Him a picture of the Lord Jesus knocking on the door. And so, he sat beside him and asked him about the picture: "Who is the Man in the picture?"
"A Man" was the reply.
"Yes, I know it's a Man, but what Man?" he probed.
"You know," the boy replied.
"But tell me who is the Man?" he insisted.
"You know," said the boy with a speech impediment.
After several attempts to try to get the boy to articulate to him who was in the picture exactly, finally, the boy replied: "That's the Man that died for my sins."
When it comes to almost everything else, he could but utter two words, but, when it comes to this Man, he was finally able to say "That's the Man who died for my sins."
How about you my friend? We all have a handicap, a spiritual one. Do you know this Man? Can you say, with faith in your heart "That's the Man who died for my sins?"
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Salvation is by faith alone and not by works. A sinner does not work for salvation but from salvation. That's that.
However, even if there hypothetically existed two ways of being saved—one based on one's works and the other through faith solely in Christ's work on the cross — I would unequivocally opt for the salvation that's freely received through faith in Christ.
Why? I want to owe everything to Him. I want all the glory to go to Him. I want all the credit to go to Him when it comes to the salvation of my soul. I want to be in a heaven where He is glorified 100%.
He gave everything for me and left nothing for Himself on the cross of Calvary when He died for my sins. Thus, it is only but right that all the merit and recognition for my soul's salvation should be attributed to Him.
That's how God wants it in salvation. Do you want the Lord Jesus to be glorified 100% in your salvation? Trust in what He did on the cross alone for your salvation.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
"It's Hard Being Good! It's Easy Being Bad!"
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Faith Alone In The Savior: Simple But Not Insignificant
Sunday, July 9, 2023
The Titan Tragedy --- Be Sure Your Faith Is Not Misplaced
There is no question that the people on board the Titan really had faith, even strong faith, yes, even genuine faith in the submersible. They had faith in it so much that they were willing to deposit themselves in it down into the deep, dark, and deadly ocean.
But what is strong and genuine faith if it is something that's misplaced? Our faith is only as good as the object of our faith. You can't go to Switzerland if your plane is really going to North Korea even if you have strong and genuine faith that it is.
A lot of people have no problem with regard to the quality of their faith. Their problem, a fatal one, is in the placement of their faith. Many people believe that their good works are "Titan" enough to save them. The Bible says "Nope, it will implode. It will all end in tragedy."
Here's someone that will never implode --- The Lord Jesus went through all the pressure of the wrath of God at Calvary for us and came out of it alive three days later.
If you want to be saved, you must place your faith squarely and exclusively in Him and what He did on the cross and you will be safe...forever safe as the all-powerful God could save you.
* The seminal idea of this write-up came from the ladies in our little church
Monday, July 3, 2023
Christ's Atonement --- The Only Way Out
If God does not take sin seriously then our good works may be able to pay for its penalty. But, if He does it take it seriously (and He does!) then no amount of good works can pay for the penalty of our sins and therefore save us.
We will all have to face a God who takes sin very, very, very seriously. A God who declared that the "wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23).
Only an eternal death can satisfy an absolutely holy and eternal God who takes sin very seriously. It's eternal death or nothing for us. It really looks like it's game over for us. But hope springs eternal when the Lord Jesus Christ came and died FOR us and AS us. His death on the cross for us has an eternal value because He who died on the cross was Himself eternal.
Now, all we have to do is to appropriate His death on the cross for us by relying on it. It was provisionally for us. Now, we must embrace it and cling to it for dear life.
And God who sees you making use of Christ's death on the cross will declare your sins as forever paid and cancelled.
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Friday, June 30, 2023
The Bible's Scandalous Message Of Salvation
One of the reasons why people don't read the Bible is because they think that they know what's written in the Bible already.
Do a survey. Ask around. Almost to a man, people will say that in order to be saved one has to be good and do good.
Ask a young kid, who has never been exposed to the teachings of the Bible, and he'll answer "Do good in order to go to heaven."
Examine all the religions in the world. In fact, almost all of them, except one, teach that salvation is by good works. If all the people in the world today were given 1 million years to figure out how a sinner is saved, they would all come up with a variation of the salvation-by-being-good method, at the end of it.
Why? That's naturally what comes into a man's mind.
The Bible turns heads with its teaching that salvation is not by works but through faith alone in the work of the Savior. It iconoclastically breaks the mold. It controversially presents a paradigm shift. It turns their belief system upside down. It offers a road that's less traveled. It defies the conventional. It shockingly goes against the grain. Scandalous! Bizarre! A sucker punch! Nobody saw it coming! Totally out of this world!
It is something that is completely unlike any other belief system in the world. It could not be the result of man's devices, because it is something that is totally different from anything that humans could create.
My friend, I invite you to unlock the secrets of salvation. Dive into the Bible's pages and discover for yourself the life-transforming truth it contains, finding salvation by faith alone in the work of Christ on the cross.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Ex 1:13 The Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously;
Ex 1:14 and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.
is often common with the dealings of God with men for God to cause men to
become painfully aware of their bondage to enable them to see their need for
Pharaoh is a picture of Satan. Egypt is a picture of the world. Israel’s
bondage in Egypt was a picture of the sinner’s bondage to sin in the world.
The problem with the sinner is that he does not see his deplorable condition.
On the contrary, he enjoys the bondage of sin that is breaking him piece by
piece, inch by inch.
Often, before God saves a sinner, He makes him painfully aware of his bondage
to sin. He makes him aware that sin is a taskmaster and that his service is an
affliction and grievous. That he is helpless and hopeless to free himself from
this condition.
At this point, God is opening the sinner’s eyes, creating the need in his heart
to be freed and redeemed from sin. At this stage, the sinner is ready for “Moses.” Moses is just in the next
chapters in his life, so to speak.
When a sinner becomes painfully aware that he is a sinner in bondage to sin,
helpless and hopeless to save himself, the Savior is just around the corner. It
is at this point that the sinner is ready for His salvation.
Monday, May 22, 2023
The Sinker's Prayer
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Scripture Savvy - Salvation Smart
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Settle Matters With God Without Delay
Mt 5:25 "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.
Let's apply this verse to our relationship with God:
While it is true that God has become favorable and propitious toward us through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is also a sense in which He is our adversary in that He has something against us, if, all the while, we remain unrepentant.
God, as it were, goes with us on the way of life and warns us that if we don't settle the matter with Him He will deliver us over to the Judge, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will have us thrown to prison for all eternity.
Don't put this off. This ought to be an urgent and pressing concern on your part. "Agree with your adversary quickly." Come to terms with Him without delay. Settle the score with Him at once. Don't go to court with Him. You will only lose your case.
Come aside with Him now in Calvary, when His Son died on the cross for all your sins against God. There, by faith in the Savior, avail of the payment He provided for your sins against God and have your case closed for all eternity.
Friday, May 12, 2023
The Sorry Myth: Debunking The Belief That Being Sorry Is Enough
One common misconception about salvation is the belief that merely expressing a sincere apology to God is enough to make everything okay.
Yes, the sinner ought to be sorry. He should be sorry. It would be an act of brazenness if he or she is not.
An apology, however, no matter how heartfelt and sincere could never save us from the punishment we deserve. Not even if we do it a million times. Ask any just law court in the world.
That's because only the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross could pay for the penalty of our sins. If expressing a sincere apology is all that it takes then why did the Lord Jesus Christ have to die on the cross?
Don't settle for sorry. You need the Savior! You need to repent and trust in what He did on the cross for you!
Saturday, April 8, 2023
The Gospel According To "Saint John" The Methodist Circuit Rider
He is one of the unsung heroes of Church History. His name is not well-known. They just called him "Saint John." He would travel on a regular circuit, visiting multiple towns and settlements, preaching the Gospel to the people he would meet.
One of his methods in sharing the Gospel was this --- He would go out into the mines and inquire for the names of miners who went down sick the longest. And then he would volunteer to work for their shifts. Dark, dusty, and sooty, there he was working hard down in the mine. There, he would preach the gospel to other other miners and then he would emerge out from the mine after some days and then he would go to the sick miner's house and give the money to him. He would sit down with the sick miner by the fire and preach the gospel to him, using what he did as an illustration of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for sinners. Many people came to Christ because of what "Saint John" did.
The world right now is upside down. People like "Saint John" should be the heroes of the world, acknowledged, celebrated and applauded. And yet "Saint John" rode into the sunset of his life largely unrecognized. In God's kingdom, God will turn it right side up. And nobodies like "Saint John" will forever be somebodies there. I am curious to know his real name.
Here's the gospel according to "Saint John" The Methodist Circuit Rider:
We are the miners down in this dark, dusty and sooty cave called the world. Down and out, we could not do anything for ourselves. But the Lord Jesus came and took our shift. And there on the cross earned salvation for us. And He comes to us offering us salvation for free. All we have to do is to receive it freely from his hand by faith.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
"You have to put yourself in a situation wherein all you have is God and His promises that if He does not deliver on what He said you are sunk." That's what one said when asked as to why he was leaving the United States for Africa. At least that was one of his reasons.
Let's apply what he said to saving faith --- You know, saving faith is like that. Saving faith is depositing and entrusting your self and your eternal welfare on what Christ did on the cross that if what Christ did on the cross was really worth nothing then you are sunk. But, the good thing is this --- you know that it was not worth nothing. You know that it was worth everything to God for the sinner's salvation.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
The Day When God Lost His Breath
Thursday, March 2, 2023
A View From The Top If you could only you see yourself as God sees you (a depraved and helpless sinner unable to save yourself) what despair would have swallowed your heart.
Friday, February 24, 2023
The standard required to be justified by works is perfection. The sacrifice required to be justified by faith is that of the Savior. If you are confident enough to achieve perfection then, by all means, work your way to justification. However, if you are convicted enough to realize that you are a sinner who just can't do it then your only chance is the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for all your sins. Trust in it!
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Come Before Winter
2TI 4:21 Make every effort to come before winter.
We have Paul here the prisoner writing with urgency that Timothy should make
every effort to come before winter.
The apostle Paul was in Rome about to be killed and martyred for Christ. To go
to Rome, Timothy would have to pass through the Mediterranean Sea. But, during
winter time, travel by ship would be difficult, if not impossible. By then,
large bodies of water would have turned to ice along with violent winter
storms that would threaten ships.
So, if Timothy fails to come before winter, all may be too late; Paul would probably be dead by that time. Hence, Timothy should do his utmost best to come
before winter.
Let’s apply this to salvation:
If you are still unsaved right now, and you sense the need to repent and turn
to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, don’t put it off.
Come today! Come now! Come this moment! Be urgent in coming to Him! Come now
while God has granted the warmth of spiritual summer to your soul.
Don’t delay! The spiritual warmth of your spiritual summer could give way to
the chilling cold of spiritual winter; when your heart is freezing cold --- when it is just all too
late and impossible to come.
Come! Come before winter!