Wednesday, November 18, 2015


The Evidence For The Resurrection Of Christ
The proof that the Lord Jesus resurrected from the dead is the same proof used for authenticating historical figures and events. How do you know that a certain man named Abe Lincoln walked this earth who became the president of the United States?
The answer to this question will not be answered by scientific laboratory experiments. Rather, it will be confirmed through credible eyewitness testimony.
Eyewitness testimony is valid evidence used in all courts of law in the world. One can be sentenced to death on the testimony of a credible eyewitness. Also, historians use credible eyewitness testimonies to verify and ascertain history.
When it comes to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have more than 500 eyewitnesses who saw Him physically alive after He was put to death on a Roman cross. And many of these died for their testimony.
The apostle Paul was a hostile witness. He was first an enemy of Christianity, who, later on, became its ardent promoter. What prompted him to change sides? He said he saw the resurrected Christ. He suffered persecutions and hardships, he lost his position and prestige among the Jews, and he eventually died, beheaded, claiming that the Lord Jesus resurrected.
Nobody would be willing to suffer persecutions and hardships and die for what they know to be a lie. It's against the grain of human nature.
The evidence is strong---the Lord Jesus did die for our sins and rose from the dead.
As far as I'm concerned, it's over when it comes to my sins before God. He already paid for it, and trusting in what He did on the cross, I am saved.