Monday, August 25, 2014


Taking Sin Seriously

Sin is serious. Fatally serious. It is a heinous crime against the Almighty of the universe. It is to fly in the face of a thrice holy God. It is an act of revolution against Him.

It is shocking. A scandal in heaven. Traumatic to the holy angels to see. They gasp. Their eyes dilate. They put their hands over their mouths with their lips quivering.

They take sin seriously because they take God seriously. They know how holy God is and so they know how horrible and horrifying sin is. And yet many of us mortals can just afford to think lightly of it. Our attitude towards sin is an insult to God. We don't love God and so we don't hate sin.

When God says "Repent," He means change your attitude towards sin. Hate and abhor it. Flee from it like its a poisonous cobra. Fling it away like it's poison.

Have you taken sin seriously? Seriously enough to hate it and run to the Savior for salvation from it?