Friday, May 16, 2014


Lu 19:10 For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost."

A man stepped deep into a cave carrying a torchlight in his hand. His curiosity made him wind his way hundreds of meters into the heart of the hollow of the earth.

The cave was not only a maze, a confusing and a complex network of interconnected paths and passages, it was also as dark as a black night. It was so dark that opening one's eyes made no difference from that of closing one's eyes. There was a total absence of light. Everyone is blind if not for the light that they would carry.

Horror and fear gripped his soul when his light suddenly flickered out. Alone, desperate, and lost, he sat down helplessly pondering about his plight.

Look at him. Consider his condition. That's how we are in the eyes of God spiritually speaking. We are lost and we could never bring ourselves out into the light.

We need Someone who will come to us to be our Light and become our Way to God. That Someone is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are helplessly lost in the cave of sin, destined to die alone in spiritual darkness.

And the Lord Jesus, through this message, comes to you, as it were, in your lost condition and offers His hand and says: "Trust Me. I came to seek and save the lost. I died for your sins and rose again. Rely on Me and I will save you out of this to God."

Will you take His hand? Will you trust in Him and what He did on the cross alone for salvation?