Monday, February 24, 2014


Edsa Revolution
I was a youngster when Edsa happened. I could remember people going out of their homes and streaming the streets of Cebu.
They have had it. They braved the streets and boldly and openly censured the former Philippine strongman, Ferdinand Marcos. They took umbrage at Marcos for his abuses. They all had this enough-is-enough look on them.
They were carrying banners, placards, posters and a number of other things. They were one voice in crying him down. Emotions were running high. Written across their faces were the marks of anger and disappointment.
I never saw anything like it. It was radical and revolutionary. It truly shook the foundations of the Philippines. They rocked Marcos' boat and he really felt it.
My friend, repentance is like that. That was a good illustration of repentance. Repentance is a revolution against sin. It is a radical change of attitude against the sin that so gripped and dictated our lives.
It is not a mere superficial, moral, surface and external reformation. No, but a change of attitude towards sin that you go from loving it to hating it and desiring deliverance from it.
Have you experienced an "EDSA revolution" in your heart against sin? And did you, as a result, come to Christ, trusting in Him alone and what He did on the cross for salvation and deliverance?