Saturday, November 30, 2013


Dining In A Five-Star Restaurant, The Bill, Judgment And Salvation
The judgment of God and the realization of the enormity of sin for many people is often like eating in a restaurant.
We don't see the bill at the beginning. The bill comes at the end. We indulge, we eat whatever we please and act like we don't have to pay for it. Then the end comes and the bill is presented and we gasp:
"What?! Did we really eat that much?!"
"How much was that bottle of wine...and we had FIVE of them?!"
"We had FOUR dishes of caviar?! Really?!
"TEN dishes of lobster frittata!"
"EIGHT dishes of Swallows’ Nest Soup! Good night! "
You may indulge in sin right now with seeming impunity, but realize that the bill will surely come at the end, when it is over and too late to change everything. Then you will realize that sin is not cheap. It is the most expensive thing in the world.
The problem is made worse when you fish for your wallet and realize that you have nothing in you to pay the bill and get out of the mess you made. Nothing at all. Zero.
And that's who and what we are in the eyes of God---a bankrupt sinner indulging in sin in God's world. That's bad news.
But here's the good news. You see that Man on the cross? Yes, that Man with nailed-pierced hands. Your sin costs Him His life. He made a provisional payment at the cross of Calvary for your bill.
Will you accept, by faith in Him and what He did on the cross, the payment He made for you at Calvary?