Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A runaway slave was fleeing for his life. He was born a slave and he lived as a slave his entire life. But he was tired of it all and wanted freedom. One day he found himself very near the border of another country. 

He could see the inviting flag offering him liberty and freedom. If only he could reach the border and take hold of the flag, he would be freed, for he would be in another country, in another jurisdiction that offered freedom to anyone within its borders. 

He could see border guards of both countries with their long guns clinging to their arms. He realized that it would be a hundred-meter dash. Would he risk it? Would he put his life on the line? 

He thought of the sufferings and the hardships of being a slave and said to himself: "It's either death or freedom for me. I would rather die than be a slave!" 

Without a moment's hesitation, he made a mad dash toward the flag. With all the strength his legs could muster, with every fiber of his being, he put one leg after another in rapid succession. 

In no time, he could hear gunshots coming his way. He could sense the zing of bullets whizzing by him. Death was chasing him but life was before him. With each stride, the flag was becoming closer and closer. 

More bullets pierced through the air. But on he went unharmed. 10 meters...5 meters...4 meters...3 meters...2 meters and then the flag! All of a sudden the gunshots ceased. Slavery and death could not reach him beyond the flag. He was a free man! 

In the same way, the penalty of death and slavery to sin, could not reach a sinner beyond the cross of Christ in Calvary. The sinner who takes refuge in what Christ did on the cross is saved, safe and secure from God's judgment and sin's slavery.