Sunday, February 10, 2013


When God Punishes Sin With More Sin

Ps 81:11 "But My people (Israel) would not heed My voice, And Israel would have none of Me.

12 So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, To walk in their own counsels.

Oftentimes God punishes sin with more sin. Yes, sin will be punished. But there is a sense in which sin is its own punishment. There are two kinds of people here in this world: a) people who say to God: "Your will be done" and b) people to whom God will say: "your will be done"

The former is blessed, the latter, blasted. One of the ways in which God punishes a sinner is that He allows him to have his way, resulting in a life of guilt, fear, misery, heartache, and shame. 

In other words, oftentimes when God punishes unrepentant sinners, He just abandons them to themselves. And man left to himself is a danger to himself, he will destroy himself, he is his own worst enemy.

If you still have this God-given desire to repent, don't put it off and don't delay. Repent NOW and turn to Christ in faith. Believe you me, you can't afford being left to your own depraved self.