Thursday, June 14, 2012


Misconceptions About Salvation

#1 "Good people go to heaven. Bad people go to hell."

The cause of this misconception is the failure to realize as to who we are in the eyes of God. In God's eyes, there are no good people. We are all sinners. Sinners are spiritual criminals. And there are no good criminals. All criminals are bad. And all spiritual criminals are subject to God's judgment and condemnation.

Ro 3:10 As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one;
Ro 3:12 ...there is none who does good, no, not one.

The question is not: "Have you been good?" No, the questions are: "Are you saved? Are you redeemed by the blood of Christ?"

As long as you believe that you are quite good enough to go to heaven, you will never go to heaven. Because you are trusting in who and what you are (and you are actually a spiritual criminal in God's eyes), instead of trusting in Christ Jesus and what He did on the cross. 

No, good people will not go to heaven. Because there are none in God's eyes. Only pardoned spiritual criminals go to heaven.