From Cancer To Christ Cancer often starts unnoticed, silent, hidden, and giving no warning. This was mama’s case. She was asymptomatic, feeling completely fine, with no signs of illness. While some cancers manifest symptoms early, hers remained undetected until she had an X-ray done through a random mobile X-ray service in our area. It was then that they discovered a 3.2 cm lung mass.
Sin works the same way. It begins subtly, perhaps as small compromises, ignored convictions, or unconfessed sins. We feel fine, unaware of the spiritual sickness growing within us. Then one day, the truth is exposed: sin has deeply invaded our hearts, affecting our thoughts, actions, and relationships with God and others. But just as cancer drives us to seek medical treatment, the realization of sin should lead us to the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone offers the ultimate cure. While doctors fight cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and other targeted drug therapies or even bio-integrative alternatives - Jesus conquered sin and death through His blood. Isaiah 53:5 reminds us: “By His wounds, we are healed.” Through repentance and faith, He removes the disease of sin and restores us to wholeness. If cancer reminds us of life’s fragility, let it also remind us of the Great Physician, who heals not just our bodies, but our very souls. Run to Him today, and trust in His finished work on the cross for your salvation. By Mae