Tuesday, February 18, 2025


The Man Who Stood In The Gap  
Me and Ate Joy are currently studying the book of Ezekiel. And the whole theme of Ezekiel or the OT for that matter is about Israel's rebellion but specifically during the time of Babylonian captivity. And as we are currently in Chapter 22. I found a gospel message. So in this chapter God was recounting all their sins.

And in v. 14 it says "Can your heart endure, or can your hands be strong in the days that I will deal with you? I, the Lord, have spoken and will act.” Just like Israel, we are as sinful and as guilty in the eyes of the Holy God. And that question. Will we endure? Are we strong enough when God will deal with us? Will we stand before the just God? Clearly we are not strong enough and surely not stand. And though it may seem unalarming, know that God has spoken it, His words are true and will act on it. He will deal with us someday. The next verse is v. 30 - 31 "I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one." “Thus I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads," declares the Lord God. God found no righteous man in Israel during the time of Ezekiel. And even to this present day, there is still no sinner able to stand in the gap. But the good news is that 2,000 years ago a man stood in the gap. And that is none other than Christ Jesus. God’s only perfect and righteous Son who died on the Cross for our sins. We must trust and put our confidence in Him. So that God's indignation and the fire of His wrath will not be brought upon our heads. Written by Marv

Saturday, February 15, 2025


I'd like to read to you a book I found in the trash heap, near the gates of hell, halfway eaten by the flames, almost begging not to be opened. It contains myths, assumptions, delusions, opinions, superstitions and what have you.

Let me read to you a sample. In this book, we read: "Thou shall be saved by your good works. Verily, thine own deeds shall be thy redemption. Behold, dost thou not see?" 2nd Delusions 3:16

And so, there you have it, if you want to be deluded then go for it. Be saved by trusting in your good works. 

If not, come to Christ. Trust in what He did on the cross for your salvation. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Gospel in Dent

As a dentist, the usual patients we have at the clinic have dental insurance coverage. Normally, they have coverage for cleaning and tooth fillings. After cleaning and brushing their teeth, I ask if they would consent to having a tooth restoration or filling. Most patients are shocked to learn they have a tooth/teeth that need filling; I’m shocked that they’re shocked!

In my mind: It's clear that they have visible areas of decay, so I’m surprised they’re shocked that they need to undergo a filling procedure. They would then ask, “Where is the filling going to be?” and I would point it out to them.

Some patients, especially first-timers, would opt out. I would explain how the decay will just get deeper and larger, eventually weakening and damaging the entire tooth. Plus, it could also infect the teeth adjacent to it. This will lead to more problems and intense pain. Some would then give their consent but others will not.

I thought of it in a similar way spiritually, where tooth decay is like the sin in our lives. We don’t really know and realize we have sinned against God until God enlightens us through His gospel with His convicting power.

Even though the decay should have been clear in bold relief to us, yet, we are still blind to it. And when we refuse God’s "treatment," sin remains in our lives, damaging and ultimately destroying us, causing unnecessary pain and sorrow.

But Christ is the great dentist that can restore our lives and extract the sins and sin in us! If we will humble ourselves to see and recognize what a depraved sinner we are and put our trust only in Christ as our Savior then we will be saved. Written by a Christian dentist