Saturday, June 29, 2024


The Great Unavoidable 

"What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" Mt 27:22 ...

These are the words of Pilate. One way or another, sooner or later, eventually, inevitably and inescapably, we are going to deal with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is unavoidable as the universe. In fact, it would be easier to avoid the universe itself than to avoid encountering the Lord Jesus Christ. The confrontation will happen whether you like it or not.

The question is "What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"

My friend, either you will be saved or you are going to be condemned. Either you are going to face Him now as Savior or you will face Him later as Judge. Either you will trust what He did on the cross for your sins or you will stand before Him relying on your own merits, only to be judged accordingly.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the great unavoidable. God wants you to deal with Him now as Savior. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


You will never truly know the joy of salvation if you haven't really known the sorrow of sin. You will never truly appreciate the joy of recovery if you haven't deeply experienced the sorrow of a dire illness. You will never value the light if you haven't gone through darkness. One must be affected by sin before one can truly know the significance of salvation. 

You will never look at Calvary the same way again if you only know the ugliness of sin. Change your attitude toward sin in order to have a good, front-seat look at salvation. You can only be cold, dry and indifferent toward the Savior if you are cold, dry and indifferent toward sin.

Only those who are tired and weary of sin can truly understand the meaning of the salvation that the Savior brings. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


How To Stand Before A Holy God And Survive 

Heb. 10:19 "...we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus."

The Most Holy Place was where the special presence of God dwelt. It was a terrifying place for this place would be a consuming fire against a sinner.  

But we sinners can have boldness and confidence to enter this very place. On what basis? On what grounds? 

Through our good works and good character? No! Good works and good character have their proper place but they should not be the ground and basis of one's confidence and boldness to enter God's Most Holy presence. 

God through the writer of Hebrews tells us here that it is on the grounds and basis of the "blood of Jesus" that a sinner can have boldness and confidence to enter God's Most Holy Presence.  

The blood has been shed, the price has been paid, now, a sinner can stand in the presence of God, counting on the value of the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made on the cross of Calvary. The precious blood of Christ! A sinner can now dare the presence of God. 

My friend, be bold with the blood of Christ. Have faith in it. Pin your eternal destiny on it!