Wednesday, May 22, 2024


From Stones To Stars 

The moon glowing brightly at night can be used to illustrate the Christian's borrowed righteousness from the Lord Jesus Christ. 

In this dark world, we are nothing but unlit stones devoid of any inherent glow. In ourselves, we are dark, dim and dull. Deep, black darkness is our lot. The dazzling brightness of the Son is our only hope. If we open ourselves up to the Son (S-O-N) just as the moon opens itself up to the sun (s-u-n) then His righteousness would illuminate us, shining with the glorious light of His righteousness.

We are but stones but His light can make us stars. 

My friend, be like the moon. Open yourself up to the radiant light of the Lord Jesus Christ, through faith in Him and what He did on the cross.

Friday, May 10, 2024


Sanctuaries of the Salvation Story 

By "sanctuaries" I am referring respectively to the tabernacle and the temple in the Old Testament. 

They were not only spaces and places where God's special presence resided; they were not only places of worship; they were also "evangelistic centers." 

Every sacrifice that was offered there was God's object lesson about the way of salvation. It was God preaching and teaching the Israelites relentlessly "To be saved and forgiven a sacrifice is needed. No other. It's the sacrifice, the sacrifice, the sacrifice."

Man did not present and showcase his good works and good character there. Good works would be out of place. They have their proper place but not when it came to the atonement of sins.

The sacrifices that were offered in the tabernacle and in the temple were only symbolic. Mere shadows of the real sacrifice that was made on the cross of Calvary. They all point to what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross. 

My friend, learn from the salvation stories of the tabernacle and the temple. Trust in what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross for you.   

Monday, May 6, 2024


Where Are You And What Is This You Have Done? 

Ge 3:9 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?"
Ge 3:13 And the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?"

These are the questions that God posed to Adam and Eve after they have fallen into sin. Its the very same issue that God raises up when it comes to convicting a sinner. God makes the sinner painfully aware of his or her position ("Where are you?") and his or her condition ("What is this you have done?") 

"Where are you?" Man is separated from God.
"What is this you have done?" Man is a sinner before God. 

How about you, my friend? Where are you? Sin has separated you from God. What is this you have done? God now holds you accountable as a sinner. 

Has God convicted you as to where you are spiritually and what you are in His eyes? You need the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Where did He go for your salvation? He went to Calvary. What is it that He has done? He died for your sins. Trust Him for your salvation!