Monday, August 29, 2022


The Man Who Will Come Running To Christ You will never appreciate and see the value of what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross if you haven't seen how helpless and how powerless you are in saving yourself.

You will never see how helpless and powerless you are in saving yourself if you haven't raised a "No-sin-at-all" policy in your heart.
And you will only put up this internal policy if you have deemed God as Someone who is worthy enough and important enough to be taken seriously.
Without these, you are still an unrepentant sinner, no matter how religious and moral you may be. And the lake of fire will be filled with people who are religious, people who are moral; people who are all that, and yet, unrepentant still.
Show me a man who has taken God seriously; show me a man who has taken sin seriously; show me a man who realizes that he is helpless and powerless in saving himself, and I will show you a man who will come running to Christ for salvation.

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Ps 62:2 He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.

A huge storm is threatening and looming. You are in the middle of nowhere. No man-made shelter is strong enough to withstand this ferocious storm. It will surely obliterate everything in its path. But, where you are, there is a massive boulder nearby offering refuge to anyone who would come under it. You make a run for it and deposited yourself in it. You sit down there on dry ground and watched as the storm rolled through. When the storm was over, you came out of it totally unharmed and unscathed, while everything around you was ravaged and devastated. Thank God for the rock!

This is a picture of salvation. That huge and ferocious storm is God's impending judgment against us sinners. That massive boulder is the Lord Jesus Christ. That act of depositing and hiding in the rock is faith. 

Good works, charity, and religiosity have their proper place. But they are no shelter against the storm. Even if you do so many good deeds, even if you are liberal with charitable works, even if you are religious, without that rock, you will perish in the storm. 

That rock alone could save you. The death of Christ on the cross for your sins is your only hope.