Monday, July 1, 2019


Mr 10:52 Then Jesus said to him (blind Bartimaeus), "Go your way; your faith has made you well." And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.

* Notice, the Lord did not say: “Your crying out to Me for mercy has made you well.”  (verses 47 and 48)
* The Lord did not say: “The prayer you uttered to Me has saved you or has made you well.” (verse 51)
* He did not say: “Your verbal acknowledgment of Me as the Son of David has made you whole.” (verses 47 and 48)
* He did not even say: “Your following after Me has saved you or has made you well.” (verse 52)

No. No. No. He never said these things. Why? Because you can cry your eyes out to Him for mercy, you can pray to Him till kingdom come, you can verbally acknowledge His being the Messiah till your tongue drops out of your mouth, you can do all these things, but if you have not trusted in Him for salvation, for deliverance, for your spiritual well-being, you will remain in the dark forever and ever. The Lord said: “Your faith IN ME has made you well.”

Also, there are many people who believe that they can be saved if they just follow the Lord. That’s impossible. It’s impossible to follow someone if you are in the dark. It’s impossible to follow someone if you are blind. Bart was blind and he did not do that. You need to be made well first before you can begin to see Him and then follow Him. You need to receive the blessing of salvation first before you can begin to follow Him as His disciple.

If you are someone here who is still unsaved, I urge you, I plead with you to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. He died for your sins and rose again for you.