Saturday, July 15, 2017


The Pencil And The Eraser

I got this illustration from a video that I saw. I thought that I should turn it into something evangelistic.

You see, as the pencil goes on doing about his writing life, he oftentimes makes mistakes here and there, every now and then, making a mess of himself. But then the eraser comes along and erases it all for him. Each time, the eraser gets hurt and loses a little bit of himself, and then, eventually, he will go. He gave his life for the pencil, so to speak.

That pencil is you. The paper is your life. The eraser is the Lord Jesus Christ. We have made a mess of our lives. Strewn across the pages of our lives are the multitudinous sins that we have committed. Each page is dotted and blemished with sins. Our own efforts to cross it out only leaves darker marks on our lives.

Then the Lord Jesus came. To blot out our sins, He suffered the agony of the cross and lost His very life. What we could not do, He can and He will, if we entrust the cleaning up our lives to Him. Come to Him in faith and have your sins blotted out.  

Saturday, July 1, 2017


The Prescription For Salvation: Faith Alone or Good Works Too? 

 Here's an unhealthy man plagued with some kind of a disease. And here are three physicians all coming to him to offer him their services.

Physician #1 says: "My prescription for you is this---'Act like you are well and you will be made well. Yes, act like you're good and you will be in good health. Yes, good works will do it.'"

Physician #2 says: "My prescription for you is this---'Take this medicine and act like you are well. The combination of both will cure you. Yes, it's this medicine plus good works that will do it.'"

Physician # 3 says: "My prescription is this---'Take this medicine, the very medicine that the others are prescribing you. Yes, it's proven effective. That alone will cure you. You don't have to act like you are well to get well. The medicine is enough."

My friend, there are people who say that salvation is by works. Still others say that salvation is by faith plus works. The Bible says that salvation is by faith alone in the Medicine (the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross). You take Him in by faith and you will be saved for there is only one medicine for a sinner's salvation; not our works but the Lord Jesus Himself---the Savior.

Ac 16:30 And he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
31 So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved...